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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Rule 1

Orca Bay Part 3!

I started today looking for my ezi angle ruler...the one that I checked was in my ruler basket when I was getting ready for Bonnie ...so where is it now?   I still have no idea!

So remembering rule number one...I got busy and did more hourglass blocks.  Then I did the math and added 7/8 and made one 2 inch square! Don't tell me how many more to go!

When I find my ruler in "the safe place" I am going to paint the said safe place something fluroescent and label it "The Safe Place"!  Check out what everybody else is doing at http://quiltville.blogspot.com/



Sue said...

lol I think safe places are like black holes.....hopefully you have found your ruler. All your blocks are looking good. Love all the blues in your strings.

Sue said...

lol I think safe places are like black holes.....hopefully you have found your ruler. All your blocks are looking good. Love all the blues in your strings.

Unknown said...

That happens to me ALL the time! I usually have to look for something else and then I find what I wanted before. It's like a delayed reaction. You're doing a great job. Roll on Friday. Need the new colours.

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Hope you find your ruler soon, your blocks looks great so far.

Candace said...

Safe places are almost as bad as places that you won't forget. I hope you find your ruler soon that cute little block needs some company.

scraphappy said...

I can't find my "safe place" either, but I know I put my tri recs ruler there. Glad you were able to make some progress anyway.

Leeann said...

I do this too (safe place) Don't put your Orca Bay blocks in a safe place, you don't want to have to make more. Thanks for visiting my blog too and the nice comment you left. Roll on Saturday for the next clue.

Kate said...

I gave up on safe places - I lost airplane tickets in a shoe holder safe place. Back in the day when airplane tickets were paper! Orca Bay is looking good!

SubeeSews said...

I solved that problem and bought two of both the EZ angle and the Companion Angle. One is in the cutting room and the other near my sewing machine. HA! Sometimes they both get lost!